The benefit of date for healthy.-Who don’t know about date, fruit that have oval form and very sweet teste. It is belong to selling well in middle east. Date is belong to palm , and its source known yet until now. But it can find easily in desert, even some countries produce date in many kinds that is differnt.
Beside sweet, date also known have many benefit for humany healthy. In date, there are some nutritions and vitamins that are very needed by human, like water, energy, proteina, carbohydrate, lemak, fibre, sugar, mineral, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zat besi, sodium, forfor, lemak tak jenuh, antioksidan and others.
The benefit of date for healthy as source of energy :
Sweet concentrate teste in date very good for increase energy that is needed by human. After doing activity everyday, our body certainly need enough energy. So, date can be alternative thing to increase energy, because energy is very important as activator nerve and body’s organ. as source of carbohydrate:
Beside energy and protein, our body also need carbohydrate. Carbohydrate is important to methabolism and controlling zat asam in human’s bodyand provide base energy that is needed by human’s body. is anti cancer naturally:
Date contains high antioksidan. Anti oksidant is used to prevet growth cancer cells that develop in human’s body, and can be immune to prevent free radical. contains much fibre :
Human’s body certainly very need fibre. Fibre can find in vegetables and fruits that contain many water. Date have enough water. Function of fibre is to smooth disgetion organ, treat constipation, and prevent loosen the bowels.
Next : Benefits and privileges olives for health