Benefits and privileges olives for health.-Olive or olive oil is kind of fruit that have many profits for human’s body. It is known since long ago by our ancestor. It is have an especiality like its tree can grow up highly and have longvity.
Olive tree can life during 600 years. Wow, it is long enough,is ‘nt it? It can be called amazing. It is also special because its benefit for human’s life, so many people interested to plant and then process it be oil such as olive oil.
Greek, turkish, maroko, syria, tunisia, portuguese, algeria are some of great produsents of olive oil in the world. Becauseof beneficial, many countries envolving it. Olive tree can not grow up in anything place and climate. Land’s structure establish olive tree.
Based on the research, there are two kinds of olive tree, these are:
Land olive tree, it usually grow up in mediterranean that is in an edge sea, this tree usually produce more olive oil.
Europe olive tree, this is devided into three kinds such as Olea eoupe Ewawediteuarea, Lape vini, Vari.
Kinds of trees above also contain oil much enough but it is not more than mediterranean, olive have 97% element and oil degree. It can firm that olive oil degree contain vitamin and essence and compound that is good and it is needed by huaman’s body.
Olive oil or olive fruits contain vitamin A B C D E, zat besi, chlorofil, magnesium, potassium, caloin, resin, unsaturated fatty acids, antioksidan, fosfor, beta karoten, vitamin K and others.
Olive oil is good for healthy especially for nature anty cancer, high anti oksidan in olive fruits very good to save methabolism in human’s body and protect body from cancer cell attack that is caused by free radical.
In addition, vitamin A, B, C, D, E and K in olive fruits also believable increase immune system and keep our skin always moist, ageless. So, many beauty product for women that is used essence of olive oil.
High Chlorofil essence (green leaf essence)
green leaf essence that is in olive fruits very good for smooth blood circulation in our body, produce sell and protect body’methabolism and detoksifikasi our body naturally, so decrese poison in body.
monitor blood sugar levels
Olive fruits or olive oil very good for healthy. Olive oil believable can control gula darah in body, so it is very good for diabetics.
Flavonoid in olive fruits can smooth blood circulation in our body, and produce sell dan give air circulation in blood in our body.
It is short useful information about beneficial of olive fruits for healthy. I hope it will give knowdgement to keep healty and creativity.