Types of vegetables and fruits lower blood pressure, of course, will thus reduce the risk of heart disease. Normal blood pressure is 120/80 or lower. Prehypertension begins when a reading above 120/80 mmHg and up to 140/90 mm Hg. When the pressure reaches above 140/90, patients were diagnosed with high blood pressure.Common symptoms of high blood pressure include :
headache,nausea,dizziness,cardiopalmus,hard to breathe.
Types of vegetables and fruits lower blood pressure |
Fruit Nuts
Beans - white, blue, brindle, black and white Five - contain potassium and magnesium. Potassium helps control the concentration of sodium in the body. When the falling levels of potassium and sodium, blood pressure rises. In addition to potassium in your diet can reduce sodium retention and helps restore the normal blood pressure. Magnesium is also present in nuts, can lower blood pressure, because the potassium and sodium work together.
Vegetables Celery
Celery contains active ingredients, such as phthalides, which normalizes
blood pressure. These phytochemicals reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, muscles relax artery walls, increasing blood flow and the heart is not pumping so hard, blood pressure is reduced.
Tomato fruit
Tomatoes contain natural antioxidants, including lycopene and vitamin E. Antioxidants are essential for the organism, because they prevent chemical damage to the cells, opening up the blood vessels.
Blood pressure antioxidant-rich foods lower, they fight free radicals and fight hypertension chemicals such as nitric oxide.
Green tea leaves
Green tea is a healthy substitute for coffee, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, including high blood pressure. Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant that reduces the effects of free radicals. Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee. Some researchers believe that caffeine constricts blood vessels,
causing the heart to increase the pressure to pump enough blood throughout the body.